Monday, May 21, 2007

Do you Ubuntu?

As some of you know I am a Linux user. I use Ubuntu linux the Dapper Drake version. I must say I love it. It does not crash, It does what I say, it's secure. Its great for pron. ITS FREE! like free beer. I have a friend who has used Linux and then switched back to Windows for some reason or another here is a recent converstation with him
(21:51:57) J2p2f2: i miss it, im going back
(21:52:20) Lightningcount48: ?
(21:52:27) J2p2f2: ubuntu
(21:52:33) Lightningcount48: lol
(21:52:33) J2p2f2: windows is killing me right now
(21:52:41) J2p2f2: with its compatibility and whatnot
(21:52:48) J2p2f2: ive been restoring my computer for hours
(21:53:19) Lightningcount48: just bomb it and you will be free go on Jeff just listen to the Linux demon in your head. You know you want the Penguin
(21:53:39) J2p2f2: i want, no i need the penguin!!
(21:54:31) J2p2f2: im narcing my entire hard drive, all data will be zeros! no more ones!
(21:54:55) Lightningcount48: that's right now more nasty window's ones just friendly Unix like ones

That's right he's having a crack addiction like withdrawl. In fact I had to wait to write this part to run of to his house and give him the adrenalin shot which can be found a or org or something like that. Fight the man make your computer free!

Yeah so about that

So I got my first speeding ticket today for doing 47 in a 35 zone. Wow how lame is that? Its a good thing I didn't get busted on the Highway.
To boot I was in the lamest car in the world. Its a $131.50 This includes funding for a number of things set an arbitrary value. i didn't even get the curtousy warning! No here's your fine. Damn it I didn't give the guy any problems it took me a minute to notice the lights in my mirror but its not like he honked at me. I was watching the kid on the road ahead to make sure I didn't hit him. Then he gives me a little friction for pulling into a parking lot. Hello I acknowledged you by putting on the fourways and its my right to be safely off the road and in a safe public place in case you're a fake. Jeesh white guys don't get breaks either so fuck you