Friday, July 13, 2007

The Nessesity of Beer to Facilitate Confident Social Interaction

As promised I will now give my discourse on beer. I have recently been to Germany and experienced the wonder that is beer. You see in America the legal drinking age is 21 years old and between that and a slight paranoia complex I had not attempted beer in my measly 18 years of life.

Within 48 hours my exchange partner rectified this situation. We traveled into Wetzlar to a seedy club called the Poco. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive. I was not sure how I would react to beer or how much I could take. I did not know if I would be a friendly drunk or if I would try to pick a fight with that muscle bound bald guy standing at the table below me. My first two beers were of a local brand called Licher, and what I wouldn't do to have one right now, anyway. At first the taste was bitter, but I grew to enjoy the flavor. After the first two I began to feel the effects, but not to any inhibiting extreme. After that my exchange partner, Julian, and some friends were passing around a bottle of Franfurter Apfel Wein. This shit is good to say the least, but they tell me that not many people outside of Hessen enjoy it. ApfelWein is a cider and it is very enjoyable.

I was not smashed however, and in retrospect probably this was a shame. I was drunk enough to enjoy the journey to the restroom as well as being delightfully surprised at the increased ability to speak German, however my english suffered. when I was clearer of mind I began to think about the kinds of things one would be able to accomplish with my former level of disinhibition. I believe that beer may be the key for that silent and introverted kid to finally get a girlfriend or for that shy guy to finally join the group. I've also discovered that skateboarding and driving do not improve with alcohol, schade. I know that not everyone is affected the same way with beer and some tend to become depressive. But I do believe that beer can be used to overcome social anxiety.

Although beer is a wonderful social lubricant one must be careful not imbibe too much or else one turns into a drooling slob that no one wants to talk to. So when you go drinking think of what you intend to do while drunk. Is your purpose for drinking to loosen up a little? Maybe its to dull a headache before going to a concert, or maybe your goal is to get shitfaced. See below for instructions on how to be shitfaced. I've written something longer and a bit more in depth, but as it is I doubt I've held your attention so this aught to suffice. Stay tuned for my next post from Germany.