Monday, December 11, 2006

ScottyDg and his "female"

We all have that friend you know? You know the one he's just that guy who hangs around with you and you never around with him that guy. Well i have one of these friends and he moved but I can still strike up an AIM conversation with him (After this I doubt he'll ever talk to me again). After hearing he had taken to weed I had see what it was like so I AIMed him up and here is the ensueing conversation with little notes from myself (Money Pants).:

Lightningcount48: Hey I heard you started smoking weed
scottydg842: [ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because scottydg842 is not protected by IM Security ]
//Don't you just hate Zone Alarm I know I do
ScottyDg842: yea?
Lightningcount48: Any fun?
ScottyDg842: meh, I got a high tolerance to it, so mostly I just smoke it with my female
//well then I think he might be smoking grass clippings and what's this about his "female"
Lightningcount48: How does your "female" affect the fun factor?
ScottyDg842: depends on what we do while high
//Granted I have a pretty good idea what he does with her I just don't need to hear him say it. I always pictured this kid having sex with a Commodore 64 instead of a woman
Lightningcount48: Have things started turning colors for you yet?
ScottyDg842: no, though grandmas boy...fucking amazing
//Grandma's boy was only about smoking weed there wasn't really anything surreal or trippy about it
Lightningcount48: I'm should listen to pink fllyod while high it will add a whole new meaning to your life
ScottyDg842: meh, maybe I'll do that tommorow, still have enough for 1 joint lying around
ScottyDg842: getting a quarter tomorrow
Lightningcount48: How do you have a high tolerance to it are you sure its not cut with parsley or something?
//I was kinda hoping he would bite on that one and try to accuse his "friend" of selling him bad weed. He can't be the hooked on it if he doesn't care.
ScottyDg842: I've gotten different stuff from several dealers, including a friend of mine who grows his own
Lightningcount48: and doesn't do anything for you? You goin to school after High School"?
//despite his awkwardness this kid used to be smart so I wanted to see if he was doing anything after highschool he was still on weed though
ScottyDg842: it doesnt do as much for me as most people, I need to smoke around twice as much to get a normal high
ScottyDg842: and right now I still havent finished a single college app
Lightningcount48: Where are you looking>?
ScottyDg842: MIT is my reach, I would like to get into Olin, Texas A&M is my main and Pennstate with a fallback
//that;s pretty ambitious for a kid who smokes weed with a :"female" maybe next he'll apply to Neverland University
Lightningcount48: Dodson and Harry got into Main already
ScottyDg842: My female has a better shot then me at most schools, she got a 2200 on SATs and is in higher classes then me
//Of course she does she's using you for your money and when she "smokes weed" with you she doesn't inhale. Looks like you're dating a gold digger. PS this kid has access to cash so don't role your eyes at me
Lightningcount48: nice
Lightningcount48: Enginieering?
ScottyDg842: yea, both of us
Lightningcount48: What kind of Engineering
ScottyDg842: comp mech or electrical here
Lightningcount48: und dein Freundin?
Lightningcount48: dein(e)
ScottyDg842: dunno, whatever she wants
ScottyDg842: you?
//he was in my german class and seems to remember a bit of it however I did call his "female" a man when I left the e off of deine. Being stoned and all I'm glad he can still read the Mother Tounge
Lightningcount48: International Business/somethingorother
Lightningcount48: I'm selling what you're engineering and making much more money off of it than you
Lightningcount48: thats my goal
ScottyDg842: meh, I am doing something I enjoy
//weed is enjoyable I hear
ScottyDg842: and 60-70k a year is nice too
Lightningcount48: Hows Java
ScottyDg842: meh, I am the only person in the class so I only work like once a week
ScottyDg842: I only need to be on chpt 7 for test, and I am finishing 6 right now
Lightningcount48: I think then I'll be the VP when my friend Mike becomes president
//I was plotting to over throw the world on another conversation so scott took a back seat for a moment
ScottyDg842: were are you in Java now?
Lightningcount48: I dunno we're takeing the Pitt test right now we just did printf
ScottyDg842: you do arrays?
Lightningcount48: not yet
ScottyDg842: oh
ScottyDg842: classes?
Lightningcount48: Cyrans pretty out there so we're moving kinda slow
Lightningcount48: what kind of classes
ScottyDg842: making your own
Lightningcount48: I think we discussed it
ScottyDg842: man, I am going to bed soon
ScottyDg842: so fucking sore and tired
ScottyDg842: got to bed at like 2 am last night after a gwar concert with the female
Lightningcount48: its only 6
//I have only heard of Gwar and it doesn't sound like its a very sanitary band to listen to and from the sound of it Scott enjoys wallowing in human filth which is what he did even before he moved
ScottyDg842: I had every liquid thrown on me, I was in the front row
Lightningcount48: like what
ScottyDg842: I fucking crowd surfed for awhile
ScottyDg842: fake blood, semen, urine
ScottyDg842: antifreeze
ScottyDg842: and the dude behind me got beer on me
Lightningcount48: bet that was fun
ScottyDg842: hell yea
//yes he even enjoys bathing in human waste and automobile fluids. We'll see who's having fun when you have Occular Herpes and burning of the eyes and mouth from God knows what kind of STDs.
Lightningcount48: you bang your "female" right there?
ScottyDg842: I would have, but I had a fucking massive headache afterward, so we stopped mid makeout as I was ready to pass out
//code for I can't hold an erection and my girlfriend is so hideous I closed my eyes and fell asleep while making out.
Lightningcount48: gtg ttyl
ScottyDg842: seeya later man
ScottyDg842: oh I'll be in over christmas

//yay and we even get to see him for Christmas what a joy

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