1+1=2 which means my Brother is a liar
Nearly being the Pope himself I am often compeled to write on subject of good and evil if you will please observe my Liar postulate:
As I'm sure you don't know my brother is a liar in the worst way. The sublte kind, but I have used the wonders of math to prove that he is indeed a liar please observe:
1+1=2 if 1+1=2 then one cat plus one cat equals two cats. If two cats is the number of cats I owned, then when the first cat died I only owned one cat. If by the word owned I mean that the second cat is now dead then prior to its death it was living and I owned it,which means it once lived with me. If the cat once lived with me and it was as old or older than me when it die that means I was under the age of 18 and my brother is one year and a month younger than me that means he was 16 which means I was 17. Thusly out ages went as follows brother 16,me 17,cat 18. When our ages are added together the result is 51. I then subtract the number of intelligent people in the prior figure(1) the result of out cumulative age is multiplied by the number of human members of my household(4) the result is 200,51-1=50*4=200. If I add the numeric values of the months that the birthdays of the male humans of the household occur 5,8,and 9 I get 22 if I add 22 to 200 i get 222.When 222 is multiplied by the number of Colleges I applied to the result is 666 which is the mark of the beast which is Satan who is the prince of lies. The number of the beast is found in the thirteenth chapter of Revelations 13 being the day upon my brother and I were born. The number 666 is in reference to the second of the two beasts mentioned in that chapter and my brother is the second child born into the household. If my brother is the second born and his birthday falls on the thirteenth which is also the chapter in Revelations that the second beast with the number 666 appears, that beast is Satan who is the Prince of lies that makes my Brother a liar because 1+1=2.
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