Saturday, December 9, 2006
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Pictures for fun
Something I noticed when I was writing the other day. Something this blog lacks besides seriousness is pictures. So I've decided to include most if not all of my photoshop creations and if you want any made special for you I will gladly go out of my way and adulter any photo you desire.
okay so here it is:
You always knew the old man would lose it:
I really hope someone gets this because I really enjoyed this play on words
This is my kitty I bred him myself I mixed one part fallen angel one part pit demon and three parts cute little kitten. He lit that cup of water on fire all by himself!
I don't think I will reveal all of my secret photos just yet so keep comin back for more
Posted by Money Pants at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 4, 2006
Ho Aloo
I'm sorry I haven't been able to read all of your e-mails I've been very busy at the Money Making Symposium, you know the place where I make all that cash that allows me to be a successful bloggier, thats french by the way. I did manage to glance at a few and one struck my fancy, allow my to copy paste for you:
Dear Money Pants,
I find myself scanning the blogs every night to see if anyone on earth has anything intelligent to say. When I stumbled across your blog I thought I had found something special. Like someone had finally figure out just the right moves to make me orgasm. Then at the last moment it all fell apart and you proved yourself to be one of thousands of bloggers who believe that everything they say is the absolute. I was enraged so much by your attempts to "solve" all of the problems of the world with violence and bigotry that I felt compelled to e-mail you just to tell you that you are a heartless bigot who is only contributing to the problems of the world. You are an ignoramus and a total ::expletive:: ugh you make me so mad I could swear at you!. I hope you rot in the bad place for the filth you are trying to proliferate throughout the internet.
Best Wishes for the Holidays,
Marie Ann Yugoleski
When I read this I could not help but chuckle. I am of course glad that I've been able to nearly pleasure a presumably female audience member without ever leaving the comfort of my iron throne upon which I rule the world. I must reply that I am indeed different from the thousands of other bloggers out there in that I am actually correct almost all of the time. The allegation that I am a bigot is only leveled against me because it is obvious that this woman has not been touched by even herself for over ten years. As for her precise words to insult me, such a horrible word as expletive and ignoramus (which isn't a word), leads me to believe that you Marie Ann Yugoslut are a Catholic ,which as I'm sure we all know is the root of all evil and bigotry in the world, thusly making you as near to the devil as the pope himself. As you will see soon in my following post I will prove that I am God and we are all dead amongst a multitude of other things. So hold onto your bible bitch because you are going for a ride. And as far as going to the bad place, you leave me slightly confused, the Bronx is a bad place and some places in Pittsburgh are bad places so if next time you attempt to insult me you could specify a place to go I will gladly meet you there for a religious rap battle upon which we will exhalt god and I will whoop upon you with Amish like piety so bring it.
Best Wishes,
Substantially Wealthier than You
I'll let you know when she responds lol. Just to clear things up. I have no real problem with Catholics and believe Christianity has been a wonderful vector through which democrazy has grown.
Alright I have to piss ttyl
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Due to the overwhelming response
Due to the overwhelming amount of Mail in my Inbox the day after posting my last post I have taken a day to expand my problem solving abilities.
American Ethnocentrism-First we must really determine if this is really a problem. It is obvious that the world revolves around us and everyone on earth should speak English and give America its unbridled loyalty/ But if you're one of those librel bastards like Maria who wrote:
"America has an overblown ego and it needs to get real. People in the rest of the world understand what's going on in America better than we do. We need to get our heads out of our asses and learn about the rest of the world..."
She wrote more but after that Communistic onslaught I immeadietly looked up her location via IP address and letter bombed her house. What she fails to take into account is that America is the greates nation on earth therefore everyone must conform to us...duh...and I do not have an ass so she once again failed to make a realavent statement way to go. Maria you are only making women everywhere look stupid. Get back in the kitchen and stay away from the polling booths.
Jim H. Jommas wrote me the other day and drew my attention to the educational deficit in America. For once I agree with this socialist institution. Though I despise socialism. Perhaps if students were held responsible for their education this wouldn't be a problem. We need to take a leaf out of the German education system and send those who do not prefer the books to some kind of vocation. And let the rest of the learners go on to learning without food being thrown in the Cafeteria or "Qwer" being shouted across the halls. I think we should also do away with Gym or overly zealous Gym teachers. We'll try the second option before absolving it entirely. So the socialist get one point but that's it no more!!!! We need to make American schools less like prisons and more like institutions of learning.
A one "Edward the Anarchist" e-mailed me and said that he likes what I've written and that I should join the fight for Anarchism. Well Thankyou Eddy. However, you are an idiot. If I were to join the Anarchist movement I would simply be doing what the man wants and unlike you I do not fight for the man. So Eddy you will be ICMPed by the time you read this. In fact all you anarchist bastards are just hindering steps towards peace so it only stands to reason that all of you should be shot for being stupid.
Alright I'm bored peace.....
Posted by Money Pants at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anarchy, communist, Communistic, education, ego, Ethnocentrism, Gym, teachers