New batch of pictures for you to distribute
Hey everyone I know I said the next thing would be on education,but first I want to have the opportunity to offend you with some pictures. Not all of these are offensive, but some may offend the religiously inclined...
Let's start things off with Wizard Kitty....
Now for something a bit more derogatory: Muhammad with a Hand Grenade!!
After the shock wears off why not take a look at possibly the dumbest person on earth...
Wow, lets pause for a moment and consider the Corvette
Just for awareness purposes I ask you to look into the situation in Darfur and write to you Senators and Congressmen to get out of Iraq and find a way to get involved in Darfur w/o military, The army is not a pocket knife you can't just whip it out and use it anywhere....Now to offend all you hardcore Christians out there....if might help if you go and see the Saw movies before seeing this picture or the hilarity and the totally blasphemous nature of this my photoshop creation will be lost on you.
w/o further adeiualright shake the shock off. The reality is as Blaise Pascal would say "We are all totally and utterly unworthy of God" that's right no matter what. The big man's gonna judge you not by the pictures you make, but by the faith you hold in your heart. For all you pious people know Jesus is Rofl-ing right now so don't even pretend to know better because you don't. God is so much more infinely more powerful than you it'll blow your mind. And for all you anti-evolutionists out there. God is in the Details who the hell do you think has the power to put such minute and microscopic detail into nature quit being retards and leave poor science alone.
okay rant over for now that may turn into a section later. This next pic was taken as Washington crossing the Deleware with my aunt nearby,
There are more pictures in my computer to be shown,but I'm too lazy to put them up right now so drop my a line or some cash at and we'll talk mmmkay? Mmmmkay.
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